Meaning of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM in English



Cadmium is a heavy metal and it is known to attack the central nervous system .

Even so the activity of the whole animal is co-ordinated by superordinate controls in the central nervous system .

First, since nicotine is a central nervous system stimulant, it produces almost the same effects on the body as caffeine.

It might be supposed that tremor was the consequence of a fixed-point attractor to periodic attractor transition of central nervous system neurones.

NeuroSearch researches the development of products for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system .

Rarely, the central nervous system may be involved.

Such lipid accumulation frequently leads to mental retardation or progressive loss of central nervous system functions.

The nerve impulses in these specialised fibres enter the central nervous system and provoke: A. Local reflexes in muscles.

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