Meaning of CONSIGNEE in English



Cooley, the consignee of two vessels leaving that port, refused to pay the fee.

However, that right ceases when the second copy of the consignment note has been handed over to the original designated consignee .

Sea Waybill Rule 3 imputes the status of agent for the consignee to the shipper-consignor.

Such a right instilled trust in the written statements by carriers and encouraged consignees to deal with distant and unknown sellers.

The consignee is then able to sue the carrier directly, but is also subject to the latter's direct suit.

The issuance of multiple copies was thus intended to assure that the consignee received at least one.

The matter had come to light when the consignees in New York reported to London that the diamonds were overdue.

The protection given by the Harter Act to shippers and consignees benefited banks and secured creditors.

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