Meaning of CROCKERY in English



As he spoke, the sideboard barring the entrance toppled over in a heap of shattered crockery and wood.

Cups, crockery , cutlery and glasses can all be washed in hot soapy water in the usual way.

Much of the china clay went to the Potteries of Staffordshire to be made into crockery - cups, saucers and plates.

No two pieces of our everyday crockery match.

Not a blanket, a pillow, a piece of cutlery or crockery remained.

The conventional image of a ceramic is of a hard brittle material used to make items such as crockery and tiles.

The scattered fragments of crockery and the aroma of the wasted nectar marked the melancholy wreck of our Christmas cheer.

When they moved our Mrs R. would only let them take a bed and some crockery .

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