Meaning of DEFLATE in English



He woke up aching all over - somehow his airbed had deflated in the night and there was nothing to cushion him from the cold ground.

Learning new skills can boost egos that were deflated by losing a job.

The balloon gradually lost altitude as we deflated it and came in to land.

The report will deflate arguments by city officials that they cannot reduce pollution.


At the time I was deflated, but I have since realized that Don was giving me a star to steer by.

But from our many interviews with sportspeople we have learned that the mystical aspects of sport can also be deflated and suppressed.

But if it doesn't happen there is no way Lewis will be deflated.

Equally, it is no coincidence that we hear a good deal less of it now that the bubble is deflating.

He was like a slightly deflated version of John Hall, only much more cheerful.

Kennedy, seeking to deflate the pressure, resorted to a tricky tactic.

The Republican takeover of Congress deflated that notion, though, and he no longer stresses it.

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