Meaning of DEGRADATION in English





These problems include those associated with rural poverty, malnutrition, population changes and environmental degradation in developing nations.

I realized the data did not square with the theory that population growth causes resource depletion and environmental degradation .

It would wipe out farm profits, undermine rural employment and cause environmental degradation in East Anglia, he says.

In a few short but intense years we began to atone for centuries of environmental degradation .

Many of these relations directly or indirectly affect land using decisions which lead to environmental degradation .

The results of the research will increase the knowledge of the socio-economic and demographic causes of environmental degradation in the Sahel.

Regional geochemical maps provide information on background levels of metals against which environmental degradation can be monitored.

These include global inequality, human-rights abuses and environmental degradation .



The next major phase of land degradation came after the abolition of slavery in 1838 and the rise of peasant agriculture.

Some gains are clearly possible but not without high investments, accelerated deforestation, and land degradation .

Here, drought is the crux of the matter and whether it is caused by or causes land degradation .

The long-term dangers of land degradation from irrigation and chemical fertilizers are growing.

Here, land degradation due to natural and cultural factors is widespread.


There are no published studies on the survivability of its degradation products , although some classified work may have been carried out.


In this context, soil degradation exists but, taken as a whole, is unimportant.

The report notes that a combination of soil degradation and poor rainfall have increased food shortages and poverty.

The techniques refer to new or modified agricultural practices to reduce soil degradation and erosion.



Nevertheless, ill-suited land-use and poor management can lead to environmental degradation with implications for present and future national economies.


However, even in advanced capitalist countries, the economic effect of degradation and erosion may not be negligible.

I can feel a sizable sense of sorrow for people who have sunk to such degradation .

The report speaks of extensive environmental degradation caused by high population growth, rapid urbanization and fast industrialization.

The result is a membrane that is resistant to water, weather, ultra-violet degradation , fire and chemical attack.

These factors plus preferential marketing arrangements and external financial support for development projects have all contributed to land degradation .

Vallejo told the intimate story of the degradation that Royce had deplored only from the outside.

What path of audio-visual degradation are you happily leading me down this time?

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