Meaning of EMBARK in English



embark on a project (= start it )

He was embarking on the biggest project of his career.

embark on/launch a programme (= start it )

The company has embarked on an expansion programme.

launch/embark on a career (= start one )

Rita went to New York where she launched her dancing career.




Make sure your car is in good shape before embarking on this trip.


The business of importing dramatic madness to Broadmoor was embarked on with enormous misgivings.

Skunks roll out of their dens in February or March and embark on a long prowl.

The research Jarvis embarked on for his book took him into the lower level concourse at Bond Street.

His target corporations often settle out-of-court rather than embarking on even more expensive legal fights.

He must also embark on a grueling course of longer-term reforms.

One way of doing this without embarking on too much teaching is to spend each week applying the Sunday morning sermon.

New Labour, by contrast, has embarked on the most far-reaching programme of constitutional reform attempted in this country this century.

Persian bureaucracy was still tiny and the Cadgers had embarked on almost no public works.


But neither course should be embarked upon without a realistic assessment of the risks and rewards involved.



Two years later, however, with negotiations still incomplete, Edward embarked on his abortive campaign with the results described above.

Hillary Rodham Clinton embarks on a cross-country campaign trek next week with a mission to sell books.

In October, the army was said to have embarked on a campaign of intimidation, and tension was reportedly high.

The issue was a potentially controversial one for Clinton, who was embarking on his re-election campaign .


Exceptionally resilient, Lillie embarked on a new career - as an actress.

As stated in Chapter l, the managers embarked on their new careers focusing on the rights and privileges of management.

Since then she has married and embarked on a career with Royal Insurance.

I had embarked on a life-time career that I expected would last for the following forty years.

In 1935 Humphrys left the public service and embarked on a career in the City.

A little later, Emily embarked on a teaching career .

At twenty two Jonathon was embarking on his career .


The University of Manchester is embarking upon an initial course which will qualify bilingual teachers for the primary phase.

High-performing enterprises seldom embark on a course of action without first evaluating all of the potential costs and benefits it might yield.

He must also embark on a grueling course of longer-term reforms.

He, for example, embarked on a crash course to get his state license to operate the plant.

The aid organisations realise that the task is too great to embark on any other course .

Still, he was embarked on a promising course , and Sellers let the experiments continue.

Why, then, would I choose to embark upon this course myself?


Her government embarked on a policy of national reconciliation after a decade of revolution, war and political polarization.

Lloyd George's Government had embarked on a programme of financing social reform at a time of rapidly rising prices.

As I have said before, I do not believe that a Labour Government would have embarked on any of this.


West studied and read for a long time before she embarked on her journey .

With his keyboard, his keypad, and his mouse, Engelbart embarked on a journey through information itself.

As the two men embark on a journey of self-discovery, the haunting music of Gigli punctuates their revelations.

By 1742 even Yale students embarked on revivalist journeys .

Fascinated by photography, he embarked on the three journeys to the Middle East that were to make his reputation.

So she embarked on a journey to warn the king.

Each student should be embarked on a journey involving succeeding stages of intellectual maturity and independence.

Finally as a Church Fellowship we have just embarked on an exciting journey which I believe the Lord is going to honour.


And with Liverpool embarking on ambitious plans to upgrade their stadium, Moores' financial base was needed.

The state embarked on a cleanup plan in 1994, with money coming equally from taxpayers and the sugar farmers.


Her government embarked on a policy of national reconciliation after a decade of revolution, war and political polarization.

With this in mind, the company has embarked upon a policy of commissioning new work outside the house.

Will my hon. Friend ask the Opposition whether they will continue to embark upon their policy of abolishing those trusts?


His post-electoral challenge will be to unite his country and embark upon a real process of democratisation.


In Cumberland he embarked on an improvement programme on his estates.

Christopher was to embark on a painful programme of physiotherapy.

They should embark on the programme and policy that Labour will certainly pursue when we are in office.

Lloyd George's Government had embarked on a programme of financing social reform at a time of rapidly rising prices.

Since then, the Group has embarked upon a structured programme of audits and surveys covering operations worldwide.

The league was charged also with responsibility for collective security, so that individual states could embark on a programme of disarmament.

The agencies have simply embarked on a large-scale programme to revise consents both of their sewage works and of other discharges.

In Northern Ireland we have embarked on a major programme of investment covering all sectors of the region's transportation system.


Late in life, he embarked on a project .

There is a simple test, and I run back to the cabin to embark on this project instantly.

Before embarking on a research project , you must ensure that you have sufficient resources at your disposal to complete it successfully.

With a salary rumored to be hovering around six figures, Fonti was embarking on the biggest project of his career.

Before embarking on this project , however, two preliminaries must be dealt with - a qualification and a question.

The raftbuilders of Sam Son always consulted the priest of the temple on the hill before they embarked on any major project .

Shah next embarked on a new project of launching a national daily, Today, which would eschew traditional printing practices.

As I embarked on this project , then, I was not some Martian suddenly confronted with television.


Before embarking on a research project, you must ensure that you have sufficient resources at your disposal to complete it successfully.

Rather it makes embarking on action research seem a worthwhile endeavour!

Therefore, before embarking on any research project we must make clear that we intend to act on the results.


Final, moderated marks and grades are given to every student before they embark on their next series of modules.

Whether as a result of this or coincidentally, his body embarked on a series of coordinated gradual changes.

In the 1890s it embarked on a series of campaigns to promote closer relationships with trade unions.


Final, moderated marks and grades are given to every student before they embark on their next series of modules.

By 1742 even Yale students embarked on revivalist journeys.

Each student should be embarked on a journey involving succeeding stages of intellectual maturity and independence.


She was often forced to spend months apart from her husband as he embarked on long tours .


A large group had assembled at the pier, waiting to embark .

Passengers will have to pay a fee at the airport where they embark .

Their training completed, the regiment embarked for the war zone.


And we have embarked on the most important and wide-ranging reforms since the 1940s.

Both countries have embarked on serious reform.

He was rowed ashore again, and I watched as he embarked along the coast road.

High-performing enterprises seldom embark on a course of action without first evaluating all of the potential costs and benefits it might yield.

New Labour, by contrast, has embarked on the most far-reaching programme of constitutional reform attempted in this country this century.

Now we were embarking on another mission which we confidently thought would add new glory to the annals of the Imperial Navy.

One might embark upon a conversation and find it quite suddenly rounded off before it got under way.

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