Meaning of ENCEPHALITIS in English



As a result he contracted encephalitis , an inflammation of the brain.

At least two deaths were directly attributed to encephalitis .

Carbon monoxide or manganese poisoning and encephalitis are rare causes of the parkinsonian syndrome.

Furthermore, toxoplasma-specific in-vitro antibody production appears several months before the onset of encephalitis .

In-vitro production of toxoplasma-specific antibodies could improve the diagnosis of toxoplasmic encephalitis in HIV-1-infected patients.

In the course of medical treatment he was given an injection of anti-tetanus serum as a result of which he contracted encephalitis .

Seizures may occur as an early manifestation of meningitis, encephalitis , or cerebral abcess.

The Songs had a relative living with them who was suffering from encephalitis and a baby only a few months old.

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