Meaning of FERROUS in English





The proportion of ferrous metal recycled fell from 71 percent in 1980 to 44 percent in 1988.

Mining and non ferrous metal issues were also strong, following gold prices higher, traders said.

By 1873 it had become illegal to have in one's possession in the mine a ferrous metal pricker or scraper.

About 95 percent of the NEAs seem to be rich sources of either volatiles, ferrous metals , or specialty metals.


About 95 percent of the NEAs seem to be rich sources of either volatiles, ferrous metals, or specialty metals.

Another class has extremely high reflectivity with absolutely no evidence of absorption of light by ferrous iron.

For many years ferrous sulphate was used as a supplement.

He thus achieved distinction in both ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Mining and non ferrous metal issues were also strong, following gold prices higher, traders said.

Moreover, a strong presence of ferrous oxide in the walls gives them a red color.

The proportion of ferrous metal recycled fell from 71 percent in 1980 to 44 percent in 1988.

The Round Table sends for the director of the industrial combine responsible for the ferrous alloy factory.

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