Meaning of FRIGHTENED in English





Joan Halton used her husband to express the emotional greed of which she was so frightened in herself.

The boy stared at its departing form, amazed that the bird should be so frightened .

There could have been a serious road accident with a dozen or so frightened animals careering about country lanes.


Waiters would appear shortly, if they weren't too frightened of Quiss being in a bad mood.

D.H. And no criticism of the drugs or medical regime because they're too frightened .

But she's too frightened to go back home.

They're all too frightened to talk ... both families want to be moved out of Oxford.

Some one must have buried them when they were too frightened to hand them in to the police station.

I wanted to scream and scream but I was too frightened .

Female speaker I was too frightened , all I heard was 3 shots, a bump and a scream.

Although she was just yards from the safety of nearby houses she was too frightened to call out.


He was very frightened of the spirits and they ran after him in his dreams.

It was a very frightened and concerned decade indeed.

I knew he was getting out soon so I was very frightened .

The girl upstairs, who was already very frightened , felt desperate when she heard the terrible things they were shouting.

He says that the car kept going - then three other flashes were seen - everyone was very frightened .



Marina is a new Anne Frank, one of 80,000 frightened children caught in an ugly, vicious siege.

Firemen eventually managed to untangle the frightened child from the bars by prising them apart.

They become the parent, the patient the helpless and often frightened child .

He observed her narrow hands as she touched the frightened child with light, reassuring caresses.

The colour went from their six faces, and they caught hold of each other like frightened children .

Without another word, Bert Rafferty gently picked up the frightened child and made towards the cliff.

And who even in the hour of his death had time to spare for a frightened child .


afraid/frightened/scared etc of your own shadow


a frightened animal

A lot of people are frightened of dentists.

Alice kept perfectly still, frightened that the dog might attack her.

Are you frightened of the dark?

Don't be frightened , it's only thunder.

He was frightened of making mistakes.

I was frightened my parents would get divorced, and wished that there was something I could do to make them happy again.

I was frightened to move in case the branch broke.

Two frightened children were hiding in a corner of the room.


I was frightened in case anyone came in.

She stared up into the big frightened eyes.

She stepped off the pavement, and a car with squealing brakes drove her back again, frightened and flustered.

She was frightened , and she sank to the ground.

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