Meaning of HEAVEN in English



stank to high heaven (= stank very much )

The toilets stank to high heaven .




Oh, dear heavens , had Naylor, by seeing she was hurt, seen too that she cared deeply for him?


It's nothing at all! Good heavens , is that the time?

No, Ken is not my lover, good heavens , he'd be shocked!

Have they - good heavens - got their sums wrong?

That should keep him away from Olinda Bray! Good heavens !

Rugs! Good heavens , man, do I pay you to stand about like a tailor's dummy?


Ju-i sceptre Used by the highest deity in heaven , its head is formed into the shape of a cloud.

It was high - heaven only knew how he had got up there!

It stank to high heaven of salt-fish and shit, the aforementioned by far the more offensive.



Or they could have sold that controlling interest to some one else - heaven help us!

Oh, heaven help her - Fabia knew then that she was in deep, deep trouble!



Three pairs of dark legs, high-top sneakers at their bottoms, ascend toward heaven .

In later times, he ascended to heaven to be crowned with stars.

As well as a tree, Hathor was, like Lilith, the ladder on which the righteous could ascend to heaven .


A turbulent black cloud like a rumpled sheet seemed to descend from heaven .


It is encapsulated in Galileo's quip that the Bible teaches how to go to heaven , not how the heavens go.

If I have the baby I go to heaven .

The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven .

The fundamentalists are saying, work hard, be born again, you can go to heaven .

About whether he would go to heaven or hell.

Areeeee, if I took money from you I would not go to heaven .

Actually in the flesh, the way she went up to heaven .

I thought I'd died and gone to heaven !


We've all experienced it and most of us would move heaven and earth to avoid it.

Bishop Auckland have also moved heaven and earth to improve their standing.

If you knew what I was doing you'd have moved heaven and earth to stop me.

So together we moved heaven and earth to ensure, in a difficult year, that the necessary money was made available.


Mrs. Butler brought in the tea, and raised her eyes to heaven when she saw Jenny weeping again.

Had he jumped in, or had he been raised up to heaven ?

Her body was raised to heaven upon her death, where it was reunited with her soul.


Off in the distance you see enormous mountains reaching for the heavens with their towering peaks.


Yeah right, a little virgin, a device sent by heaven to cleanse your soul.


She gasped at the vividness of her imagination. Thank heaven that in the morning everything would be back to normal.

Some one you thanked heaven for sending back?

And then, thank heaven , people will have somewhere decent to bring up their children.

You got this much snow, you thanked heaven for your warm home and waited for the thing to blow over.

Dad's Army told us that in Britain, thank heaven , nothing worked like clockwork.

She had her thoughts under control again, thank heavens .


God is in his heaven, all's right with the world

God/Heaven be praised

Hallelujah, and the heavens be praised ... He is giving it the look.

However, play then we did and, heaven be praised , we did show them a thing or two.

God/Heaven forbid

God forbid you should have an accident.

And heaven forbid that you should be served by some one in a chain coffee house with a regional accent.

My guess is this: Heaven forbid that you have a cancer right now.

Or, heaven forbid , ridicule him?

Heaven/God/who/goodness knows!

be in seventh heaven

We got Darren a puppy for Christmas, and he was in seventh heaven.

But Leonora was in seventh heaven.

He was in seventh heaven, so excited.

My good friends of masher persuasion are in seventh heaven when they have the opportunity of admiring eight pretty faces.

for God's/Christ's/goodness'/Heaven's/Pete's sake

good grief/God/Lord/heavens/gracious!

Good grief! I forgot my keys again.

great Scott!/great Heavens!

manna from heaven

The activities of illegal immigrant vessels were as manna from heaven to the media who naturally gave them much publicity.

The hijab is manna from heaven for politicians facing crises.

The letters are manna from heaven, filling my time and recharging my batteries.

thank God/goodness/heavens

Thank God the semester's almost over!

A spare room with no room mate was available, thank goodness, at the Loch Leven Hotel.

All I can say in these hectic times is thank goodness for Marks & Spencer's prepared meals.

And the politicians, thank goodness, have only so much money with which to rip each other to shreds.

He was leaving, thank goodness!

There was no sign of him now, thank goodness.

the heavens opened

As his relations carried him off to be buried, the sky suddenly darkened and the heavens opened .

He'd come out without his anorak and if the heavens opened he'd get soaked.

It went from bad to worse as the heavens opened and turned the circuit into one huge puddle.

Just as we set off, would you believe it, the heavens opened .

Unfortunately, the Heavens opened on finals day, ending the good weather and causing disruptions.

the kingdom of heaven/God

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness, sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

So when our Lord spoke about the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand, he was referring to its being qualitatively present.

They believe the kingdom of Heaven is to do with the whole person.

They still believe that the kingdom of Heaven is something present in the lives of men and women.

This world, this kingdom of the Devil, will be destroyed and the kingdom of heaven shall come.


The new kitchen is heaven compared to the old one.


I used to think I had died and gone to rank-and-file heaven .

It's the most extraordinary place - both heaven and hell simultaneously.

Well the sun is blazing down from the clear blue heavens.

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