Meaning of HISTORIAN in English





Architectural History Architectural historians study buildings and human settlements in relation to the societies which made them.

All are in the preliminary stages, until architectural historians survey each house to determine which have historic value.

This will be made more complete with the help of archaeologists, architectural historians , furniture specialists, social historians and others.

The series was the brainchild of publisher Allen Lane and architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner and the first volume appeared in 1953.

For instance, architectural historians will want to study plans of contemporary architects.

In the 1960s he gave up practice to pursue an academic career as an architectural historian .


The work of revisionist economic historians credits the tsarist economy in the years before the war with impressive growth.

Biographies of Keynes, and the writings of economists and economic historians , are indispensable to an understanding of the subject.

The results of the study should be of interest to both macroeconomists and economic historians .

The Service Industries For the economic historian , as for the economist, services constitute the most enigmatic sector of the economy.

The implications are considerable, both to the Marxist-Leninist historiographical tradition and to professional economic historians .

But most economic phenomena have multiple causes and even hundreds of years later economic historians argue about them.


No doubt, future historians will debate the extent to which this record catalysed international interest in global warming forecasts.

Offwidth is proud to reproduce it here, as a model for future historians of our sport.

Yet future historians are likely to look more kindly on his achievements for his country than the present generation.

The belief that it would be possible to maintain old computer hardware in operational order for use by future historians is utopian.

Would a single airline reservation transaction have value to a future historian ?

Swamping future historians with vast amounts of digital information may impede their research as they attempt to navigate through it.

There is no doubt that future historians will look to a more complex structure of data.

Inaccuracies in the data abound and these will need to be considered by future historians .


The great historian Henry Jackson Turner had just decreed the official closing of the frontier.

Last week she had the good fortune to have as guest the great art historian Sir Ernst Gombrich.

One of the greatest historians for children is the author Jean Fritz who has written historical novels and picture books.


It turns out that despite the accolades of later historians , Davy had formidable competition for the creation of a lamp.

Henry was not the miser which later historians have labelled him.

Vidor was always to have a special affection for this film but later film historians have had many reservations.


It is what makes him such a refreshing literary historian .

The Faculty in those days was comparatively small, and still dominated by old men who were primarily literary historians .


Mary Leapor has never been forgotten among local historians and scholars in Northamptonshire.

There will also be a local historian and lecturer to guide the group through Old Town in the city of Tours.

That said, the book is one which all local historians should own or to which they should have easy access.

Ben had made it out of Hicks, so he knew all the local historians and all the nooks of their history.

The visitation records have several values for the local historian .

Not in the memories of local historians .

The local historian should be aware of the systems and the difficulties they create.

The decision to display the uniforms was a controversial one, made by Browne over opposition from local historians .


I have for some reason a picture of a rather youthful military historian .

According to military historian Martin van Creveld, successful armies have always decentralized authority.

Mike lives in Manchester; we have remarked before on the impressive group of military historians produced by that city.


Consider the following statements by reputable modern scientists and historians .

His views are echoed by Oxford modern historian Mark Almond.

Nowadays, for convenience, modern historians label Charles the Bald's kingdom West Francia.

This material abundance gives the modern historian a quite different range of experience from that of his classical or medieval colleagues.

As for the great merchants, there has been much argument among modern historians about how they were recruited.

But it has remained as puzzling to modern historians as it was shocking to contemporaries.

More than one modern historian has enjoyed wrestling with the question: was Charles the Bald really bald?

The modern historian sees greater variety than the thesis's defenders wished to concede.


It is interesting to see a professional historian reminding the reader explicitly of the relevance of his facts, analysis and discussion.

Even as I became a professional art historian in the 1960s, the look of Olympia did not change.

Fundamentally it requires a dialogue between you, as reader and apprentice-historian, and the author, as writer and professional historian .

His bibliography, however, does not mention some of the most important works -- the ones to which professional historians turn.

The implications are considerable, both to the Marxist-Leninist historiographical tradition and to professional economic historians .


Their position reveals another source of the difficulties of the recent historian .

This is what a recent historian , S. D. Gothein, has suggested.

In a sense this was false, as recent historians have been at pains to prove.


The importance of these datasets for the social historian is probably obvious.

This will be made more complete with the help of archaeologists, architectural historians , furniture specialists, social historians and others.

Many of our users are social historians , and we offer support to them at all stages.

The requirements of the social science historian with regard to the archiving of computer-generated data are the same as those of any social scientist.

The social historian may he interested in changing modes of dress, or agricultural and industrial machinery.

These aspects have received sustained analysis from recent feminist and social historians .

She was yet to make her contribution, which perhaps under the keen light of social historians may equal her husband's.


Until the late 1980s, Soviet historians remained under close party supervision.

The Stolypin reforms, Soviet historians would maintain, had not solved the basic problem which made revolution inevitable.

The libertarian view is still barely acknowledged by Soviet historians and is treated by most western historians as not wholly academically respectable.

True, the global figures advanced by Soviet historians to plot the graph of peasant disorders leave much to be desired.



Deciding where is the beginning can be a trouble for an art historian .

She was an art historian named Linda Nochlin.

Sir Ernst Gombrich, leading art historian certainly thinks so!

Do you feel that the language problem is a fundamental stumbling block for art historians ?

I am no art historian but I appreciate fine works of art, and would just like to make two points.

Several art historians wrote syntheses of art historical information, which became standard works.

A book for art historians , journalists, writers on art, but not for the artists themselves.



Our entire sense of Caravaggio as a modern artist is, according to historians , a fiction.


Most leading historians are also part-time journalists.

The grant has led one historian to question Edward's mental state, but this is an over-reaction.


She, wrote one historian , was the real Mélusine.

Their pecuniary interests were probably greater than their antiquarian ones, and their errors were written up by the historian .


A historian remembers the mid-'70s, as well as his struggles to complete a biography of President James Buchanan.

Artist's intention is one of the criteria for the portrait posited by historians and theorists.

At present, the Guidelines need to be reviewed by historians.

In this they were simply reflecting the typical disinterest of historians.

They interest a wide range of scholars and lay users and deserve to be a standard reference for subject and local historians.

They used the work of anthropologists and historians which was available, and on the whole they used this work very judiciously.

This is an excellent example of what the local historian will be coping with at parish level.

Today, bound in their massive heavy green covers, they provide fascinating reading for historians.

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