Meaning of HUNKER in English





Should your management bet the company on a high-risk business strategy? Hunker down and attempt to weather the storm?

He liked to hunker down and talk.

This year, Hollywood mostly prostrated itself, hunkering down until the wind from the right blows over.

The view is worth every tortured moment of discomfort it takes to hunker down , scrunch up, and peer out.

School had trained them to hunker down , to disengage.

A third student has plopped his books by the door and is hunkering down against the wall.

The 20-minute ride to the dinner table is chilly; you hunker down , gripping a thick blanket and your companion.

People are hunkering down in camps.


A third student has plopped his books by the door and is hunkering down against the wall.

He liked to hunker down and talk.

People are hunkering down in camps.

School had trained them to hunker down, to disengage.

The 20-minute ride to the dinner table is chilly; you hunker down, gripping a thick blanket and your companion.

The view is worth every tortured moment of discomfort it takes to hunker down, scrunch up, and peer out.

This year, Hollywood mostly prostrated itself, hunkering down until the wind from the right blows over.

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