Meaning of INDIFFERENT in English





I found myself wondering if he were really as indifferent as his expression and few comments suggested.

Charles is not as indifferent to paintings as he pretends.

He thrust up two fingers in triumph at the driver, an old man who was as indifferent as a waxwork.

If she had really been as indifferent as she had pretended to be, then she wouldn't have reacted at all.

Was he perhaps not quite as indifferent to her as he had pretended after all?


Cultivation: Very indifferent as to planting medium.

Cultivation: Very indifferent as to its growing medium, it will even grow in fine gravel or unwashed sand.

Other requirements: Light: Subdued light, though it is very indifferent to any other conditions.

Water condition: Very indifferent to conditions, but medium hard water with slight acidity is preferred.

Cultivation: Very indifferent to conditions, though it will relish a planting medium consisting of nutritious detritus.

Water condition: Very indifferent to water hardness, but prefers a slightly acid to neutral condition.

Other requirements: Light: Very indifferent , but moderate illumination suitable.

Cultivation: This plant is very indifferent to the tank bottom and will grow well even on bare gravel.


Her father was quite friendly, but her mother seemed somewhat cold and indifferent .

His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class.

The service at the restaurant was indifferent at best.


In doing so they are indifferent to the macroeconomic effects of their decision.

Is he more than just a basher of indifferent bowling, of which there is currently plenty?

It is a fatal error to assume that lowering the price makes an indifferent product saleable to a general market.

It is tough to reform something that is shapeless and indifferent to improvement, like Jell-O in the hands of a carpenter.

It seemed to me he was not so much indifferent as hostile towards these poor men.

She emanated worldliness and the self-confidence of one who is indifferent to everything but her own needs and caprices.

The rural scene was so peaceful and indifferent to my predicament.

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