Meaning of INFORMED in English



an educated/informed guess (= a guess based on things that you know are correct )

Stockbrokers try to make educated guesses as to which stocks will do well.

an informed choice (= a choice based on knowledge of the facts about something )

The patient should have enough information to make an informed choice.

informed consent (= based on full information about what will happen )

The men took part in this study after giving informed consent.




Ensuring that patients participating in drug trials give fully informed consent will need careful handling.

After fully informed consent was obtained eligible patients were registered by phone at the central statistical office at the University of Vienna.

In almost all cases testing may only be done with the fully informed consent of the person being tested.

Local ethical committee approval was obtained, and all patients had given fully informed consent to the procedures.


With growing success has also come a more informed understanding of the quality of life.

As more and more concerned organisations make their voice heard, the greater is our chance for a more informed society.



The view is that a consent is not valid unless the patient has enough information to make an informed choice .

Information is vital Good information is essential if people are to make informed choices about services.

Vocational Studies allow students to make an informed choice of career options.

And now supermarkets throughout the country are helping the shopper to make more informed choices .

The exam league table is supposed to help parents make well informed choices for their children.

Whatever choices are offered to voters and however they are assessed they must be informed choices.

Democracy ought to entail the free exercise of informed choice .

A full examination of the application will lead to an informed choice , and optimum performance.


Written informed consent was obtained from each patient before the study.

All subjects gave informed consent for the study, which was approved by the local ethical committee.

Who's afraid of informed consent ?

The study was approved by the ethics committee of our university and informed consent was obtained from all patients and healthy volunteers.

After fully informed consent was obtained eligible patients were registered by phone at the central statistical office at the University of Vienna.

The studies were approved by the ethics committee, and all volunteers gave written informed consent .

Under the relevant sections it states that the patient's informed consent is required before certain designated treatments can be carried out.

This study received approval from our local Ethical Committee and all patients provided written, informed consent .


This will help them to make better informed decisions on behalf of the company, its shareholders and employees worldwide.

The answers should enable purchasers of health care to make an informed decision on the subject.

The psychological advantages or disadvantages on woman and fetus must be addressed and researched so that informed decisions can still be made.

It is designed to help each applicant to make an informed decision before applying for a particular programme of study.

However, the constable's decision , in my judgment, must be an informed decision.

It helps you to make informed decisions about your career choice.

We do so to make available to ordinary people this crucial information so that they can make informed decisions about their health care.

Commercial intelligence is essential for informed decision making.


Everything I've said here is merely my informed opinion based on my own experience against a limited selection of foes.

I can offer an objective view, an informed opinion .

The Reports were published amidst a general expectation among informed opinion that the Poor Law would indeed be reformed or abolished.

The 1914-18 War radicalized informed opinion on educational matters.

More usually the Committee is synthesizing informed opinion on a particular proposal.

In Britain, most people with an informed opinion would assent to it enthusiastically.


an informed public

The report was confirmed by informed sources within the government.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.