Meaning of INHALER in English



Careful instruction in the use of metered dose inhalers is an essential part of educating asthmatic patients.

Doctors last year noticed a big increase in the numbers of insects inhaled after they had crawled into inhalers.

Even though I'd eventually been allowed my inhaler and eye ointment in Holloway, it had all been taken off me again.

Jeffrey was refused help with the prescription for his inhaler because the Department of Health said his income exceeded the required level.

Metered dose inhalers have a well established role in the management of bronchial asthma.

Principal products are asthma inhalers, which we supply to Glaxo.

She took her salbutamol inhaler from her pocket and used it.

We describe two cases of accidental aspiration of a foreign body after use of a metered dose inhaler .

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