Meaning of JUDICIARY in English





The federal judiciary in the United States is nominated by the President and appointed with the consent of the Senate.

Diversify the mostly white federal judiciary .


The Constitution provided for an independent judiciary with special provisions for Melanesian affairs and Melanesian courts.

Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham? 4.

Discussion concentrated on electoral reform, the decentralization of state power and the need for an independent judiciary .

In short, while most judiciaries exercise some discretion in adjudication, the existence of a truly independent judiciary is a rarity.

This fits the pattern that Mugabe has also encouraged with his attack on the country's independent judiciary .


In a perfect world, presidential campaigns should leave the judiciary alone.

Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham? 4.

The judiciary is a farce: 80 % of prisoners are awaiting trial.

The judiciary , not the executive or legislative branches, was the most powerful institution, I decided.

The decisive factor in many of these wrangles may be the judiciary .

This is a key factor in preserving the Panel's integrity and independence from the judiciary .

Until now the judiciary have expressed their views about the tariff period, tacitly if not expressly, in confidence.

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