Meaning of KITCHENETTE in English



He walked out of the kitchenette and back to where the towels were.

Le Mandrie offers one -, two-and three-bedroom rooms with kitchenettes and bathrooms.

Tenbel Saver Accommodation Rooms allocated will have bath/shower, kitchenette and lounge with convertible sofa.

The apartments are comfortable and spacious with kitchenette , private bathroom and balcony and sleep 2, 3 or 4.

The apartments sleep 2-4 and have private facilities, kitchenette and balcony.

The miniature stainless-steel kitchenette looked as if it had never been cooked in.

They pulled him upright and walked him into a small kitchenette next to the Murphy bed.

When Converse described his adventures in the motel kitchenette , the lawyer shrugged and smiled in an irritating manner.

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