Meaning of LINSEED in English



linseed oil




A good polish reviver can be made by mixing equal parts of raw linseed oil , substitute turps and vinegar.

It was magnificent and would come up a treat with a rubbing of linseed oil .

If the acid is fatty such as linseed oil , then the result is a soap and water.

The linseed oil helps restore the shine to a dull surface.

A mixture of equal quantities of raw linseed oil and substitute turps is often rubbed into pine prior to staining.

Arlott's punctuation of those events remains as evocative as the half-remembered smell of linseed oil on willow.

The applied finish - several liberal coats of linseed oil - was allowed to dry, then finally waxed.

I seem to remember a recipe in the Woodworker using linseed oil .


A good polish reviver can be made by mixing equal parts of raw linseed oil, substitute turps and vinegar.

A mixture of equal quantities of raw linseed oil and substitute turps is often rubbed into pine prior to staining.

If the acid is fatty such as linseed oil, then the result is a soap and water.

It was magnificent and would come up a treat with a rubbing of linseed oil.

Male speaker We've got some of the linseed in but it's wet and the wheat was poor too.

Poppy oil colours are short and buttery and slower-drying than linseed colours.

Poppy oil in fact is paler, slower drying than linseed .

The linseed oil helps restore the shine to a dull surface.

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