Meaning of LOFTY in English





Has Mr Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor, set himself equally lofty goals ?

The new unit will start business today with the lofty goal of $ 100 million in sales within five years.

To that lofty goal , it can safely be assumed, Stormy Eaton would say amen.


From their lofty height of existence, it was as if they could not even see him.


Medieval kingship was an extraordinary mixture of harsh reality and lofty ideals .

In fact, Jack Welch says,-Globalization is no longer a lofty ideal .

All those lofty ideals and principled declarations had led to unprecedented carnage in the trenches.

And one does expect more purity from people who invoke lofty ideals .


Burton always had a calm, lofty perspective on his work as an actor.

But other destinations ride with the tide, piling on entertainment and sometimes loftier diversions.

He glanced towards Rain but she took the lofty view that bribing security men was not her concern.

In fact, Jack Welch says,-Globalization is no longer a lofty ideal.

In less lofty circles, pay rises do not compensate for changes in other conditions at work.

That lofty notion spread like a virulent germ into every law school in the nation.

The vaulting is ribbed throughout, lofty and well-proportioned.

With so lofty a title one might expect a similarly lofty agenda and goals.

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