Meaning of LOOPHOLE in English





Foods to boost your physique, your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole .

This legal loophole has proven lucrative for the farm giants.



Banks are busily designing privately placed securities that exploit the many available tax loopholes .

Republican lawmakers, in contrast, aim to raise only $ 18 billion by closing tax loopholes for business.

Mr Clinton is also keen to close tax loopholes for foreign companies.

Forbes was protesting a Clinton administration effort to close a Medicare tax loophole that benefits thousands of business partnerships.

Other private placements are designed mainly for issuers, often to exploit tax loopholes .

Approximately one dozen employees took advantage of this remarkable tax loophole .

To crack down on tax loopholes .



They have urged the Government to tighten up the apparent loophole which allows motorists to speed.


Visa has recently closed a loophole that let AT&T put a telephone number on its Universal cards.

A good first step would be to close the loophole in that conflict-of-interest clause.

Mr Clinton is also keen to close tax loopholes for foreign companies.

Republican lawmakers, in contrast, aim to raise only $ 18 billion by closing tax loopholes for business.

The Home Office says the changes will close a loophole to organisations such as the Literal Democrats which appear designed to confuse.

To liberals, it means closing loopholes for the rich and strengthening the earned income tax credit.

A rational Congress would move quickly to close the gun show loophole .

Deductions would be eliminated in most cases to close loopholes and discourage the use of tax shelters.


Those people are not exploiting a loophole or grabbing at a large pot of gold.

And so, an Arizona-based company exploited that loophole , sending countless faxes to unsuspecting Californians.

The worm exploits three security loopholes in the systems to gain root access to the server and make changes to the system.

Simply hoping that governments will not exploit loopholes is stupid.

Other private placements are designed mainly for issuers, often to exploit tax loopholes .


He found loopholes in the rough, if you like.

The owners set the ground rules, then they find all the loopholes to enable them to move players anyway.

Many of them were lawyers employed by those companies to find loopholes in environmental protection laws.

We were the slickers finding loopholes in the law to turn criminals back on the streets.


He gave me a faintly hurt look then, smiled and said, you must leave me some loophole .

Yet since even the best laws leave loopholes , unsavory characters find ways to game the system.

They are also likely to leave loopholes the size of aircraft carriers.

However, Romley left a loophole in the deal by not securing in writing the promise that Carey would resign.


He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation.

tax loopholes

The new rules will close loopholes in British immigration law.


A good first step would be to close the loophole in that conflict-of-interest clause.

A recently proposed federal ban on feeding animal protein to animals is encouraging, writes Rhodes, but has too many loopholes.

But no party is willing to refuse to take advantage of these loopholes when the other party is doing it.

The existing law is riddled with loopholes and anomalies.

There was, indeed, one possible loophole .

They did so simply by reading the fine print and slithering through the loophole that yawned, obvious and inviting, therein.

Various ways of using this loophole are under current investigation.

Visa has recently closed a loophole that let AT&T put a telephone number on its Universal cards.

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