Meaning of MENINGITIS in English





The symptoms are similar so hospital tests may be needed to tell the difference between bacterial and viral meningitis .

If bacterial meningitis is diagnosed early and treated promptly, most people make a complete recovery.

Be prepared to insist: if it is bacterial meningitis early treatment with antibiotics is vital.

The only other important one is Neisseria meningitidis, the usual cause of bacterial meningitis .

Hib meningitis causes around a third of all cases of bacterial meningitis and is the commonest form in children under four.


As a result of a concussion he contracted spinal meningitis and almost died.

Bacterial meningitis 1, 402 0. 6&.

Bacterial meningitis must always be considered in a febrile person with severe headache.

He's likely to get meningitis from the wound.

He says a child with meningitis could need urgent treatment and may not get it fast enough because its too far.

Rarely, a subarachnoid bleed can present with high fever, stiff neck, and headache masquerading as meningitis .

Researchers at Gloucesters public health laboratories have been carrying out a long term study into more than three hundred cases of meningitis .

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