Meaning of METRO in English





According to Culver, water mains in Baltimore and in most older, large metro areas are loaded with metal filings.

Background: Workers willing to brave long commutes to New York for less-expensive housing are keeping the Philadelphia metro area suburbs alive.


The garden next door to the metro station is of the early 1970s by Otokar Kuca.

And last year, a suspicious-looking briefcase at a metro station was taken care of by Sheila.

Fanaty throw bottles on to the pitch, fight at metro stations and stab one another.

There is an escalator of only five steps at a Tokyo metro station which is a good example of a Tomason.


One of the guests asked the others to bet on how many metro systems there were in the world.

The last big metro system in Britain was in Tyne and Wear.

The London Underground is the second largest metro system in the world.

He was gathering data for a book about world metro systems , a task on which he had been engaged for years.

Drawing on many of these elements, Alstom is also offering a complete automated metro system marketed as Axionis.


According to Culver, water mains in Baltimore and in most older, large metro areas are loaded with metal filings.

By the next day the railways were paralysed and Paris bus stations, metro lines and post offices had been occupied.

From being a member of the foreign / national staff, I returned to metro as one of several assistant metro editors.

Here in London and the South-east, we already have metro and commuter railways which carry over 1,300 million passengers a year.

It will be at the busy 1.75-metre interchange between the Paris metro and the railway at Les Invalides.

The metro editor sent me to cover a soccer team pep rally at Columbia University.

They moved into metro Phoenix where lantana and mulberry trees kept them fat and happy.

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