Meaning of MICROCOMPUTER in English





This also develops technical skills as the pupils learn to use the microcomputer while carrying out the project.

Whether the teacher regularly uses the microcomputer in his classroom. 11.

The country is behind Britain in using microcomputers .

Students undertake laboratory and design office work, use state-of-the-art mainframe and microcomputers and attend a surveying field course.

It may be helpful to use a microcomputer for this purpose.

The report will outline what the microcomputer is to be used for and which microcomputer hardware and software will be needed.

Report generation using a stand alone microcomputer with a word-processing program has already proved invaluable in many company departments, including personnel.


A local microcomputer is like a manual record system which can be accessible to all levels of staff.

At the same time, pupils are also exposed to one practical application of the microcomputer which will be relevant outside school.

It also carries out research into Third World needs for microcomputers.

Strenuous efforts have been made to program such recognition abilities into microcomputers and several packages for manipulating and comparing spectra are available.

The microcomputer then searches the file to discover any entries indexed using both keywords.

They are the names of microcomputers produced by a new breed of electronics entrepreneurs.

This also develops technical skills as the pupils learn to use the microcomputer while carrying out the project.

Today, any person working in an office situation generally has access to a microcomputer and a variety of software.

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