Meaning of MUNDANE in English



mundane chores (= ordinary and uninteresting )

the mundane chores of everyday life




Their priorities would have been quite different - more mundane , more limited in scope, more pragmatic.

Clinton arrived, of course with a more mundane ambition than his grand Republican predecessor.

The truth was both more mundane and more bizarre.

Perhaps more mundane thoughts went through her mind.

It is a continuous attitude which influences much more mundane , everyday decisions.

The second reason is more mundane .

There are more mundane explanations, as we have suggested earlier.

Truth, it seems, is more mundane .


These memories can pop up at any time and transform even the most mundane occasion into something special.

With all due respect to February, it can be one of the most mundane months of the sports year.

Even the most mundane materials could have value.

Let's take talk at what many would consider its most mundane level: social chit-chat.



Yet they put this knowledge to good advantage, both officially and in more mundane matters .

According to testimony, Rosen was recorded without his knowledge while talking with a female client about mundane matters .

The first type tend to be over more mundane matters , with the third being the more serious.

The conversation passed effortlessly from mundane matters to philosophy, spirituality, politics, art.

Yet I see the mundane matter of the script quite clearly.


Even such mundane tasks as eating or drinking have found a place in some ballets.

The objects we use to do these mundane tasks each day reveal the inner secrets of domestic life.

We tidied up our rooms and cleaned the kitchens, dragging out the mundane tasks so that we could stay in the warm.


Most of the law cases he deals with are pretty mundane .

My initial job was pretty mundane , but later I was given more responsibility.

The mundane task of setting the table can be fun at holidays.

The play is about the mundane existence of factory workers.


As narrow and mundane as the questions may sound, they ultimately form the basis for modern society.

Catherine required the daily challenge of mundane improvisation.

Even such mundane tasks as eating or drinking have found a place in some ballets.

He seemed unable to distinguish the exceptional from the mundane , the historic from the pedestrian.

Honeysett's cartoons reflect the mundane uses that an ill-educated public might put new technology to.

Shepard ranges from monumental issues to mundane daily operations.

Shrugging off her bag, she forced her mind on to more mundane things.

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