Meaning of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY in English



A separation of science from religion has also been seen in a diminished authority for the Bible in matters of natural philosophy .

Aristotle too claims in several places that natural philosophy and medicine go hand in hand and are studied by the same people.

Boyle's essays reveal an unprecedented series of distinctions, of the utmost importance in the promotion of natural philosophy .

But it would be misleading to speak of separation given the religious foundations of his natural philosophy .

He says rather more, however, about their ill effects on natural philosophy , mathematics, and religion.

It is plain from all of this how moral philosophy is taken to depend on natural philosophy .

The anti-Aristotelianism and the newly emerging concept of natural philosophy were, then, not private but public developments.

They were to be the basis of a new natural philosophy , and were advocated both by practising experimenters and by theoreticians.

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