Meaning of NEURAL in English



neural computer

neural network

By 1989, they were using neural networks to assess credit risks.




However, because there is still some inhibition the neural activity stabilises as adjacent areas of excited and inhibited cells.

Periodic neural activity is a normal behavior.

Cowan set up a mathematical equation that represented the neural activity , and built lateral inhibition into it.

We think the inhibition is part of an inhibitory surround that helps focus neural activity in the dominant hemisphere.

Cowan reasoned that the patterns in the visual cortex might be the result of an analogous instability in the neural activity .

Inhibitory interconnections are very important for preserving stability in neural activity .


Researchers at the University of Warwick are training a neural computer to examine brain-scanner images to recognise the symptoms of mental diseases.

But since neural computers can carry out highly skilled tasks tirelessly, they will inevitably replace humans in some medical tasks.


Accompanying the expanded domain of r4 expression, neural crest cells migrating from this region also express r4 markers.

Yet other neural crest cells migrate into the head region and form tissues of the head and face such as cartilage and bone.


Libet concluded from this that the subjective experience was occurring before the neural events which bought it about.


These pioneering studies suggested that biliary secretion might be regulated by both vagal and non-vagal neural mechanisms .

Chomsky places faith in special neural mechanisms blossoming in the brain.

It is unlikely that these deficits are due to loss of a neural mechanism dedicated to brightness discrimination.

Take what we know about the neural mechanisms of language, for example.

A neural mechanism seems, by contrast, to be feasible.

This reflex is brought about by a very simple neural mechanism .


For neural nets and genetic algorithms, it is not so much fallible as crude.

Abstract ideas became focused as he pulled together previous work on neural nets .

Any learning neural net explores a space in which each state is described by a large set of simple parameters.

One could conclude that neural nets love to do pattern classification.

Training sets are typically large, for any kind of neural net .

Subsequent Analysis: The 34 test results showed several close calls by operators that were unquestionably classified by the neural net .

I am grateful to Teresa Ludermir who introduced me to it, and to logical neural nets .

Unlike less sophisticated Al, neural nets do not require that elaborate rule structures be specified in advance.


Now almost all neural networks use artificially injected noise.

Kohonen networks have capabilities unmatched by other neural network models.

Existing Applications Most of the applications currently on the neural network scene are prototypes or research projects.

Texas Instruments sees neural networks as a reusable technology.

Consequently, there is no need for the immense resources needed by other neural network systems in calculating thousands of weights.

In addition to simulations, analog neural network circuits have been built and tested.

The neural network approach requires fewer resources than conventional statistical methods, and further, can process data in real time.

We could have selected. 5, but experience has shown that pattern classification neural networks are extremely accurate.


It has been possible to measure directly the forces that the cells generate during the formation of the neural tube .

Neural crest cells are a group that arise at the site where the folds of the neural tube fuse.

Folate deficiency causes anaemia, but occasionally is associated with neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

Even if vitamin supplementation did not prevent neural tube defects, what specific harm would result?

The extent of cell death varied between embryos and between the two sides of the neural tube in individual embryos.

The fortification of staple foods with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects may be unwisely delayed on this account.

The estimated annual number of births affected with a neural tube defect is about 400,000 world wide.

We will follow the later development of the brain and neural tube in Chapter 8.


signs of neural activity


And the more links that are discovered between mental and neural processes, the smaller the dualist gap becomes.

Embedded Neural Networks A neural network embedded in an expert system has many advantages.

Kandel and his colleagues began by asking what was the neural circuit which underlies the gill and siphon withdrawal response.

Or, neural networks could be used to teach other neural networks.

Personally, we would not consider delivering a neural network unless it was embedded in an expert system.

Research in theory and computation encompasses quantum field theories of elementary particles, neural networks and quantum chromodynamics.

Texas Instruments sees neural networks as a reusable technology.

The main activity supported by the Club is the implementation of neural applications.

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