Meaning of NITROUS OXIDE in English



A can of whipped cream uses nitrous oxide , an anesthetic, as a propellant.

For instance, he taught me how to use nitrous oxide for its effect in combating physical pain.

Increasing atmospheric levels of nitrous oxide currently stand at about eight percent above pre-industrial levels.

It would also reduce sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions, which cause acid rain, by 42,000 tonnes.

Once produced, nitrous oxide remains in the atmosphere for about 150 years.

Other reactive trace gases such as nitrous oxide and methyl iodide also remain at elevated and aberrant levels.

The cocktail of greenhouse gases includes chlorofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide.

The researchers have found nylon production to be responsible for up to 10 percent of the increase in nitrous oxide .

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