Meaning of OBESITY in English





Some obesity researchers have clear conflict of interest, promoting or investing in products or programs based on their research.

Bruch criticized obesity researchers for failing to recognize that dieting was not only psychologically debilitating but medically simple-minded.

The committee scolded obesity researchers for the short-sightedness of many of their studies.

Many moderate obesity researchers were distressed by the way the review was reported.

Brownell and Rodin are two of the most moderate obesity researchers who have been influential in identifying the risks of dieting.

But obesity researchers rarely agree with each other.

For others, the review simply proved that obesity researchers are yo-yo thinkers.



Since nothing works to treat obesity in most people, physicians have, over the past century, tried almost anything.

The methods doctors use to treat obesity do work in the short term, which is what keeps them going.

And last year, scientists at Rockefeller University identified the gene that appears to be successful in treating obesity in animals.


Obesity can lead to heart disorders and other health problems.

The program is aimed at reducing obesity among women.


Alcohol intake, serum lipids and obesity Alcohol may have several effects on serum lipids.

Although these studies apply to older children the principle should hold for younger children where management problems are frequently linked with obesity .

Bruch criticized obesity researchers for failing to recognize that dieting was not only psychologically debilitating but medically simple-minded.

But obesity researchers rarely agree with each other.

Fat control is still very important for reducing risks for heart disease, some cancers and obesity .

Jarrett dismisses excessive birth weight as being secondary to maternal obesity rather than glucose tolerance abnormalities.

Many moderate obesity researchers were distressed by the way the review was reported.

The first of these is leptin, a messenger chemical that regulates obesity .

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