Meaning of OFFLOAD in English



The bank are trying to offload some of their US holdings.

This is the part of the port where tankers offload their oil.

You should try and offload some of your duties and relax more, instead of spending all day at the office.


Farmgate prices have only increased marginally so far because at present growers are keen to offload middle to lower grade quality.

Forestry companies no longer granted tax concessions have been trying to offload their holdings.

In conjunction with this they produced a communications system designed to offload the text on to a host computer with the maximum possible reliability.

It would be nice to have been able to offload your worries on to some one or something like that.

Kouao tried to offload Anna on to a family who had done childminding for her in the past.

Lorries by the hundred, parked for offloading.

Some of the recommendations may be bonafide, but slipped in will be those of stocks the firm wants to offload .

The main motivation in signing reprocessing contracts will simply be to offload spent nuclear fuel on to some one else.

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