Meaning of PHOTON in English





Matching one discreteness with another Bohr supposed that the energy loss was radiated as a single photon .

The photomultiplier was operated in the single photon counting mode.

As a result of this, some eyes are capable of detecting a single photon .

Suppose the intensity is lowered to a level at which only a single photon at a time encounters the crystal.


But photons are extremely odd particles indeed.

But here things are very different: each individual photon behaves like a wave entirely on its own!

Consider a photon which is polarised parallel to the optical axis of P,.

Consider also, this kind of phenomenon affects not just photons, but every particle in every interaction.

How can it be that by allowing the photon an alternative route, we have actually stopped it from traversing either route?

How will you capture photons fast enough to propel the sail at speed and over long distances?

The great advantage of using lower-energy photons rather than X-rays is the greater resolution attainable.

The two photons are like the left and the right eyes of the cat.

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