Meaning of PREOCCUPY in English





So preoccupied was the general that he had scarcely uttered a word in the five hours since his plane had left Washington.

If she were not so preoccupied with her equity case, Jody might even be happy right now.

In other words, traditional governments get so preoccupied with rowing that they forget to steer.

Approaching when Sammler was so preoccupied , Bruch, his idiosyncrasy, got a very special reception.


For the first and last time in her life, Amelia was too preoccupied to interact with her peers.

Mainly because, as a child, I was too preoccupied with Chanukah to care what my gentile friends were doing.

My husband was too preoccupied to talk.



Instead, he became preoccupied with civil service and tried to put more and more city employees under its protection.

Businesses have become less preoccupied with outcomes and more focused on process.

These forced the Soviet masses to become preoccupied over the daily struggle to make ends meet.

They also became preoccupied with routine.


Sarah seemed completely preoccupied by the last mouthful of toast.

A retired executive from Polaroid seems to be preoccupied with his own reading in another room nearby.

Even as a child, he seemed preoccupied with money and the symbols of status associated with it.

But they worry that more reforms could be thwarted by a few workers who seem preoccupied with exerting their authority over patients.

The legislated-excellence movement seems preoccupied with keel ing all learning within the four walls of the school.

She seemed preoccupied , or nervous, or something in between.


And though I tried to respond, I was mostly preoccupied with my pain.

He got preoccupied with my left hand and the right hook came in over his shoulder.

Kent was silent, preoccupied, deep in thought.

Mainly because, as a child, I was too preoccupied with Chanukah to care what my gentile friends were doing.

Much of the discussion in the 19705 was preoccupied with global cooling, not warming.

Remember: throughout the book Don Quixote is preoccupied by the question of posterity.

The experience was enough to keep him preoccupied for some time.

These questions have preoccupied fine minds for centuries, with interest intensifying from the late nineteenth century to the present day.

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