Meaning of PROSTATE in English





It might be much bigger if the drug could be used to prevent, as opposed to treat, prostate cancer .

This calculation, often used in arguments about screening for prostate cancer by those critical of screening and early detection measures.

Medical experts said prostate cancer is not uncommon in men over 60.

Even among men diagnosed as having clinical prostate cancer only one in three dies of the disease.

Before the hearings began, Cranston announced on Nov. 8 that he was suffering from prostate cancer .

The molecular properties of prostate cancer are being intensively investigated.

Radiotherapy and radical prostatectomy are effective in treating locally confined prostate cancer .

The statistics show four men who worked there have died of prostate cancer .


This includes massaging the prostate gland and massaging the urethra over a metal sound.

The largest and most important of these is the prostate gland .

The adult rat provides another example: it has been found that cells in its prostate gland need the hormone testosterone.

Some men have an additional problem because an enlarged prostate gland can cause almost permanent incontinence.


No pressure group within the medical profession is lobbying for the right to save men's lives by regularly examining the prostate .

Of those cancers that seem to be limited to the prostate clinically, 25-35% will have lymph node metastases.

Radiotherapy for cancer of the prostate was also in two phases but with a 25 Gray phase two, in 15 fractions.

Screening for prostatic cancer Editor, - Fritz H Schröder makes a cogent case against widespread screening for cancer of the prostate .

Several times Lawrence and colleagues accentuate the damaging effect of treatment on patients with cancer of the prostate .

Since 84% of apparently localised cancers of the prostate progress if left untreated some centres advocate radical prostatectomy for early cancer.

The cancer, according to Allen, has not spread beyond the prostate .

This includes massaging the prostate gland and massaging the urethra over a metal sound.

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