Meaning of PSYCHOLOGIST in English





But there are seven male to every one female tenured academic psychologist , and women heads of department are in single figures.


Differences between black women psychologists are ignored, even though they may sometimes be more important than their similarities.

This was Edmund Gordon, a distinguished black psychologist and educational reformer who briefly replaced Jeffries as department chairman.

But as with black women psychologists , feminist psychology defines lesbian psychologists almost entirely by their difference.


It brings together occupational, social, clinical and cognitive psychologists .

School and clinical psychologists may offer more information about the intelligence and personality of school-age children than any other professional.

Interviews conducted by school or clinical psychologists with parents and teachers may rule out the existence of an attention-deficit disorder.

The team now consists of 5 social workers, 5 community mental handicap nurses and 3 clinical psychologists .

Ninety percent of all applicants are interviewed by a clinical psychologist .

Spring is a Westport, Conn., clinical psychologist who specializes in treating issues of infidelity.


The results should be of interest to linguists, philosophers and cognitive psychologists .

It brings together occupational, social, clinical and cognitive psychologists .


The findings should be of interest to teachers, software designers and developmental psychologists .

These two questions represent the focus of a considerable amount of research by developmental psychologists over the last 30 years.

Furthermore, developmental psychologists found evidence that self-recognition correlates with empathy.

Of course, we're developmental psychologists .


This is a critical problem for teachers, advisory teachers, advisers and educational psychologists to resolve.

Gordon was an educational psychologist who had devoted his career to the issues surrounding the teaching of disadvantaged youth.

The educational psychologist would prepare notes on Balbinder.

In 1936 a survey of Jarrow elementary school children was undertaken by an educational psychologist ....

And will we see a booming demand for private-practice educational psychologists and the like?

He told them that the educational psychologist was very good and really knew the children.

After she had left, the head and educational psychologist explained the Statementing procedure in more detail.

The group was made up of an educational psychologist , a psychiatric social worker, an educational welfare worker and myself.


Of this argument Max Hammerton, an experimental psychologist , is a good recent example.


And occupational psychologists have shown that the definition of your job by others can affect your performance.

Relocation counsellors - occupational psychologists who are paid by companies to see their senior executives through periods of redundancy - recognise this.


It is strange to relate that this well-known symbol has been comparatively neglected by social scientists and especially by social psychologists .

Therefore, social psychologists need to study implicit themes in their own right.

From a theoretical point of view, social psychologists have often been unhappy in dealing with cognitive ambivalence.

Cognitive social psychologists tend to view categorization in terms of individual functioning.

This point is emphasized by social psychologists who stress the rhetorical aspects of attitudes in general.

Even the attendant social psychologist was urged to give talks on psychology.

Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata.



Later child psychologists have noted how older children find and hang on to a favoured object such as a rag.

The child psychologists have gotten very clever.

The pediatrician, the child psychologist , and the local organizers all exist.

It is fitting that Lydia and I are not clinicians or child psychologists but are instead teacher-educators.


Teachers and school psychologists will tell you that bad language is the first symptom of conflict and it only escalates from there.

In the schools , counselors may include school psychologists as well as guidance counselors.

A series of meetings were held where the principal, counselor, school psychologist , and teachers met with the parents.

The state law required school psychologists to report immediately suspected cases of abuse or neglect.



Personality has not been shown by industrial psychologists to be a very helpful predictor of performance.

Records show only 12 psychologists in 1994 and eight in 1995 were disciplined at all.


a child psychologist

He admitted to his psychologist that he had been too shy to talk to women.

She told us she worked as an educational psychologist in Athens.


After graduation psychologists work in a variety of areas.

Age is particularly significant for women psychologists.

Because psychologists can not explain homosexuality, they discuss it in terms of sickness or mystery.

Every psychologist does exactly the same thing himself, and sees nothing wrong in it.

Female and male psychologists often experience what Laws calls sponsor relationships, which play an important part in getting them established.

Many woman-centred psychologists try to avoid such male-identified parameters.

Peter Miller was an independent psychologist .

They were advised by a psychologist to set aside a certain portion of time each evening for home-work.

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