Meaning of PSYCHOSIS in English





Medcalf goes even further, quoting a clinician's opinion that Hoccleve suffered several episodes of a manic form of affective psychosis .

Over 70 percent of both groups were considered psychotic, with rather more men schizophrenic and rather more women suffering affective psychosis .

Thus some investigators have argued that the association is one, not with schizophrenia, but with affective psychosis .

In addition to these signs of affective psychosis Kempe also showed features of schizophrenia, notably hallucinations, occurring in several modalities.


Breier and his colleagues wanted to know which area of the brain was involved in this ketamine psychosis .

Can cause paranoia, psychosis , sterility and flashbacks several years after the drug is taken.

It is described as a psychosis , which is characterised by a distortion in the person's perception of reality.

Over 70 percent of both groups were considered psychotic, with rather more men schizophrenic and rather more women suffering affective psychosis .

Some psychologists contend that even some forms of psychosis are retaliatory in nature.

Such an image, read in psychological terms, would be the image of a psychosis .

There have also been reports of psychosis following overuse.

We seem here to have further evidence of the apparent paradox about creativity and psychosis to which we have referred several times.

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