Meaning of RECCE in English



A recce of the area had shown that there was another airfield thirty miles from Sirte at Tamit.

Charlie left his men resting in their tents while he set out to do his own private recce .

During a recce , the deaths column of local newspapers often prove invaluable - the newly-widowed are particularly vulnerable.

It was not the recce I resented, it was his manipulation of me.

It was preceded by a scrupulous recce weeks before in a restaurant near his house with the code name Pomme d'Amour.

Some were converting from the heavies such as the Lincoln and Washington, others from the recce and light bomber Mosquito squadrons.

The only consolation was that a series of valuable recces had been carried out in an area they had not previously visited.

While this was being done, Byrne and Phillips went off on a recce down to the road.

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