Meaning of ROUTINELY in English





Unfortunately, cause-specific death data are routinely available for only a minority of the world's countries.



However the only financial commitment a State routinely makes to an organisation is to meet its membership contributions.


Doctors now routinely use super-sensitive blood and urine tests to screen women suffering from any lower abdominal pain.

In Wisconsin, the drugs have been used routinely in organ donors, without problems, for decades.

It is this discretion that has been used routinely to allow questioning which Parliament had intended should be exceptional.

Imagine the problems if all employees routinely used encryption and changed their passwords regularly-both are considered good practice in security-minded organizations.

In less than two years the packs could be used routinely for all children in local authority care.

New World archaeological projects now routinely use the commercially available and cost-effective black-and-white aerial photographs.

They may not be used routinely , but there certainly are circumstances in which they do provide assistance.

The approach must be capable of being used routinely .


It later emerged that prisoners at the camp were routinely tortured, and many executed.

The cars are routinely tested for safety and reliability before leaving the factory.

The staff routinely ignored my requests.

We routinely test patients for high blood pressure and diabetes.


And, like Sir Geoffrey and Mr Heseltine, he routinely sets up federalism as a straw man to knock down.

At the very least, I routinely encourage him to reread what he has written.

Because of the responsibilities of earning the dough, fathers have routinely sacrificed raising the kids.

Countries now routinely providing vitamin A have virtually eliminated vitamin Arelated blindness and death.

Many precautions have been devised to avoid contamination, but scrupulous housekeeping is essential in any laboratory routinely undertaking the reaction.

Traditionally, ostertagiasis has been prevented by routinely treating young cattle with anthelmintics over the period when pasture larval levels are increasing.

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