Meaning of SEDIMENTATION in English





The scan score correlated with all laboratory tests generally accepted to reflect active gut inflammation except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Data in the Table show that the scan score correlated significantly with all laboratory measurements except the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Our data support the results of other studies which have found the erythrocyte sedimentation rate to be of very limited value.

Twelve patients with clinically active disease had normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate values; all of these had raised scan score.

Blood tests were normal with the exception of a slightly raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

At each visit the temperature, pulse, haemoglobin, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were measured.

Complete blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were regularly measured at clinic visits.


The scan score correlated with all laboratory tests generally accepted to reflect active gut inflammation except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate .

The sedimentation rate is elevated in 90-95 % of these patients and when above 50 Westergren helps confirm the diagnosis.

Data in the Table show that the scan score correlated significantly with all laboratory measurements except the erythrocyte sedimentation rate .

Our data support the results of other studies which have found the erythrocyte sedimentation rate to be of very limited value.

Twelve patients with clinically active disease had normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate values; all of these had raised scan score.

Blood tests were normal with the exception of a slightly raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate .

This may be a factor of environment of deposition, or a consequence of rapid sedimentation rates , particularly in carbonate environments.

Complex fluctuations in the sedimentation rates and modal proportions are possible.


Blood tests were normal with the exception of a slightly raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Data in the Table show that the scan score correlated significantly with all laboratory measurements except the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Olivine and plagioclase continue to crystallize in the upper layer until critical concentrations are again reached and another pulse of sedimentation occurs.

Simultaneously, sedimentation occurred at the base, as in previous experiments, so the mean concentration decreased with time.

The sedimentation rate is elevated in 90-95 % of these patients and when above 50 Westergren helps confirm the diagnosis.

The scan score correlated with all laboratory tests generally accepted to reflect active gut inflammation except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

There is also the very obvious repeated control of certain forms of sedimentation by climatic factors.

These criticisms include major ecological changes, reservoir sedimentation and the uprooting of large numbers of people.

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