Meaning of SELF-EMPLOYED in English





In addition, he says, a number of self-employed people and staff on contract work also have difficulty in getting credit.

What you have to begin doing before that happens is to market your services as self-employed people do.

They explained to her that, yes, they regarded self-employed people as higher credit risks than employees.

It is a regular, tax-free cash payment for working people with children, self-employed people and lone parents.

They also said they were particularly suspicious of self-employed people who had been in business for less than five years.

Those services include self-employed people providing labour-only, for example, holiday-relief milking.

This cost two self-employed people half a day.


This applies particularly to self-employed persons .

Al. most every client arrangement for a self-employed person will be unique.

Class 2 and Class 4 contributions are paid by self-employed persons who are entitled to all contributory benefits except unemployment benefits.

We have not met a successful self-employed person who goes on vacation.

Any expenses incurred as part of a job, or as a self-employed person , providing the necessary receipts are kept.

The self-employed person may, of course, himself have duties under this Article.


He is a self-employed music teacher.

I've been self-employed for over 10 years.

Kerry is a self-employed graphic designer.

Martin is a self-employed builder.

Most fashion models are self-employed , and find work through agencies.

The government gives generous tax allowances to the self-employed .


As from July 1988, however, the rules for self-employed pensions were also altered to bring them in line with personal pensions.

Homeowners and mortgage payers may borrow without proof of earnings - including self-employed .

The self-employed businessman brings his son to the Discovery Zone in West Hills almost daily.

The future employee-development program is going to be much more like a program for self-employed entrepreneurs than a program for jobholders.

The paper also considers the possibility that the self-employed should prepare tax accounts for the tax year.

This applies particularly to self-employed persons.

This is a year when you could realise the attractions of being self-employed .

You can bounce ideas off them and benefit from their expertise, as they have often been self-employed themselves.

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