Meaning of SERVICING in English





Despite several restructuring agreements since 1983 the cost of debt servicing continued to consume approximately one-third of export revenues.

Foreign and domestic debt servicing accounted for IS21,000 million, spending on immigration IS12,300 million and defence IS10,600 million.

Of the K1,200 million recurrent budget, debt servicing accounted for slightly less than one-third.

As in the previous budget, defence and debt servicing accounted for a large percentage of planned current expenditure.


Calibration and servicing of scientific instruments.

Foreign-debt servicing is not included in spending, though foreign loans received are included in revenue.

Foreign and domestic debt servicing accounted for IS21,000 million, spending on immigration IS12,300 million and defence IS10,600 million.

Many cleaning machine manufacturers and suppliers often seem unable or unwilling to provide routine servicing for the machines they sell.

Regular servicing ensures vehicles operate at their maximum levels of efficiency and safety.

There is another way to reduce the £300 - by skimping servicing .

This helps facilitate the organisation of labour and the servicing of rooms. 2.

This will ensure the easy removal of these appliances should servicing be necessary.

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