Meaning of SHREWD in English



a shrewd comment (= good at judging people or situations )

His newspaper article is always full of shrewd comments.

a shrewd/astute businessman (= able to understand situations in business and make good decisions )

Are you a shrewd businessman, quick to see how to make a profit?

astute/shrewd (= one who is good at getting what he wants done )

He proved to be an astute politician.




But you've got a few months left, enough time for a very shrewd operator to move in.

The principal, William Johnstone, though he played the eccentric was in fact very shrewd .

That was a very shrewd thing to say in 1940 but it did not happen for nearly five years.

Mr D'Arcy had been very , very rich and very shrewd .

It was impossible to tell whether this youth was very shrewd or rather simple.

I think Moira's a very shrewd operator when she's looking at paintings, and I find it very useful indeed.



Are you a shrewd businessman , quick to see the profits of this world?

The haulier will seek to exclude his contractual liability for certain acts or omissions, just like any other shrewd businessman .

New Yorkers are being whipped into a frenzy for mo' Malcolm merchandise by shrewd businessman and film mogul Spike Lee.

Like any shrewd businessmen , the Fuggers knew how to put their cash to political uses.


This was a shrewd move , which brought Edwin in on their side, and the demand was conceded.

Elsewhere, Roy and Barry opened Blubber Cars minicabs-a shrewd move in a square which no one ever leaves.


Are you a shrewd businessman, quick to see an opportunity or a bargain?

As a manager, Watson is both shrewd and tough.

Kyle is a shrewd , aggressive manager.

Sachs was a shrewd judge of character, and chose his staff well.

Thanks to some shrewd investments, they've got plenty of money left.


Dark-haired, he had shrewd beady eyes, was clean-shaven and showed the beginnings of a jowl.

He made a large personal fortune, partly from fees, partly from shrewd investments.

Pre-match preparation and shrewd organisation have created consistency.

There was a good living to be had for a shrewd man in an institution.

They had once been shrewd traders of horseflesh.

Was he, perhaps, an actor, a ghost, a shrewd fiction?

We assumed that so long as we moved along shrewd and cautious and quiet we would be safe.

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