Meaning of SPEW in English





The plates realigned and subduction resumed, sparking volcanic activity which spewed forth the granite rock covering much of the Sierras.

The magic porridge pot that has spewed forth riches in the past may work for us for a few decades more.

As I sat there, the china spewed forth from the open door and cascaded down the ready-made ramp into my lap.

Is it about to rupture and spew forth a real-live Alien in a fountain of blood and shit!?


After the reports some political worthies spew out the same old phrases they parroted last time the natives grew restless somewhere.

The economic losers are spewed out iii a social volcano called religious fundamentalism.

The snow machine costs £70 to hire and £15 for every five litres it spews out .

None of us wants to put our quarters in a Las Vegas slot machine if the jackpot spews out only air.

Here, a fourth reminder of something spewed out from a computer.

The Bureau spewed out project recommendations like popcorn.

Ranulf felt his stomach lurch as all the wine he had drunk threatened to spew out .


Groups like these use the Internet to spew racial and religious hatred.

People are sick of candidates spewing out one-line political solutions.


After the crime, patriot leaders appeared on nightly news and talk shows, spewing righteousness and anger.

Hate and hurt were spewed at the television.

Here, a fourth reminder of something spewed out from a computer.

Motor vehicles spew over a ton of lead into the atmosphere of Bangkok every day.

That upsets some anti-nuclear activists, who claim that a rocket explosion could spew cancer-causing radioactivity into the atmosphere.

The magic porridge pot that has spewed forth riches in the past may work for us for a few decades more.

The water spewed brokenly from its beak.

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