Meaning of SPLENDID in English



a big/great/splendid occasion

The big occasion for country people was the Agricultural Fair.

splendid isolation (= it is far from everything and looks impressive )

The mansion sits in splendid isolation on top of the hill .




Could there be a more splendid way to get the grey matter working?

They drew rein in Sparta before the lordly dwelling, a house far more splendid than either young man had ever seen.


Those who have never been up a mountain when temperature inversion is at work have missed the most splendid sight.

The elegant Royal Theatre next door is one of the most splendid of its kind in the country.

One of the castle's most splendid features is the high twin-towered gatehouse.

Beneath this lies the most splendid embalmed St Justin in his contemporary costume with fine wire work and embroidery.

This is the most splendid autumn we have had here, and I wish you could have enjoyed it with us.


Conversely, I have a rather splendid dress I bought from a charity shop for £10 a couple of years ago.

It looks rather splendid , but it attracted so much attention that after two days she took it all out.

In the sunlight she could see that it was indeed a rather splendid machine.

We had to admit that it looked rather splendid .

We would visit her on occasions and I remember she had a rather splendid grandfather clock.



Tradition is a splendid idea , but it can stifle individual talent.


Modernism has projected a compelling image of the artist in a state of splendid isolation .

The Memorial Hall stands in splendid isolation as the only village amenity.

All that survives now is two walls, standing in splendid isolation , up to the deck height of the bridge.

It was a simple drawing of a square tower, standing in splendid isolation like an accusing finger pointing at the sky.

Campus bookselling had existed in splendid isolation and been largely unmoved by the 1980s high street revolution, he argued.


After all, functionality is beauty, and the Christina Penin model is doing a splendid job in my kitchen.


Come to laugh, no doubt, and what a splendid opportunity they were being presented with!

It seems right to see Hubble's greatness in recognising splendid opportunities and pursuing them with utmost devotion and superb vision.

It gave her an absolutely splendid opportunity of indicating her indignation.

Old converted railway paths offer splendid opportunities , although circular walks are not usually possible.


We had a splendid time and I just feel I had to write and thank you.

In short, as a city buff and a religion junkie I had a splendid time during my undergraduate years.

I sold the jewels I was wearing and de Michelet and I had a splendid time until the money was gone.

Amelia had a splendid time with Neta.

So now she was having a splendid time visiting friends, and who could blame her?

It means I had a splendid time with you, Stella.

Two members in particular had a splendid time - John Tinkler and Paul Bishop.


Massive rock formations, mountains and deep canyons present splendid views of nature's work.

And what a splendid view you have!

The coastguard cottages had a splendid view overlooking Torbay.

I happen to be embarking on a motoring trip during the course of which I hope to see many splendid views .

A hotel-restaurant with its terrace overhanging the slope gives splendid views over the Lake of Thun and the Stockhorn group.

Close to the Grand Canal and offering some splendid views , the apartment is reached by several flights of stairs.

Stock also has the perfect mountain restaurant - small, with a sunny wooden terrace, hearty food together with splendid views .


a splendid view of the pyramids

In the centre of the room was a splendid 18th century oak table.

The troops are doing a splendid job of keeping the peace.

Wealthy nobles inhabited splendid villas in the surrounding countryside.


And the music, while not necessarily the most inventive guitar-drive stuff you've ever heard, has its splendid moments.

Fortunately there are still a handful of splendid brews that are allowed to condition in the bottle.

He welcomed all the authors, promised a splendid week.

How splendid , they have a warm spot in their hearts for those suffering from messianic delusion.

In time, Fallows also became a splendid computer guru, a genuine rarity among top public policy analysts.

It is more than that, as artificial selection has made a splendid variety of sizes, shapes, colours and tastes.

It was a splendid marriage and he thought of ambition only, never of love or of gratitude.

Mama was a superb cook and she invariably prepared something splendid for us.

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