Meaning of SUNDRESS in English



A clutch of sweet-scented jasmine twined in her hair on one side of her head uplifted and upgraded her sundress .

A woman in a yellow sundress came toward him, then veered quickly off the sidewalk.

As mom inhales, Tamika sleeps, her pink and white sundress absorbing the fluids of unknown grown-ups.

On Saturday morning, she was lounging on the terrace in a red sundress when the doorbell rang.

She leapt into the front seat in a skimpy white sundress , glad to escape the house.

She walked upstairs and changed quickly, slipping on a light flowered sundress in bold colours and her flat sandals.

She wore a low-cut cotton sundress , a bright green-and-yellow geometric print on a white background.

Then she took a shower and changed into a cool sundress .

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