Meaning of SWEETCORN in English



Also try their tuna and sweetcorn quiche made with shortcrust pastry at £1.39.

Cook sweetcorn and broccoli in a small amount of salted boiling water.

Drain sweetcorn and broccoli and transfer all ingredients to the salad bowl.

It is most commonly known to affect brown rice and sweetcorn during cooking.

Mix with 90g of sweetcorn , 2 diced red peppers and 3 tablespoons of Weight Watchers from Heinz Mayonnaise.

The alternatives are up to a pint of seed bait, such as sweetcorn , a pint of casters, etc.

Waistliner - combine cottage cheese, diced red pepper and sweetcorn . 7.

When cool, add the tuna, sweetcorn and parsley and season to taste.

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