Meaning of TELLY in English





It's really weird seeing yourself on telly .

These people wanted to see the Skeldale House they saw on the telly .

You see it on telly , it goes down in sections and crumples in a huge cloud of dust.

She's like one of them underwater swimmers I seen on telly - you know, all slow and graceful like.

I saw it on the telly before I was banged up.

She had seen him on the telly - he had been on the early evening news tooting his trumpet.

I saw them on telly at my mate's house.


Once inside No. 23, David turned on the telly .

Crilly turns off the telly and puts on a Billie Holiday record.


But what would we watch on telly when bowlers finished matches early?

Why do we want to watch traffic jams on telly ?

Do the bottom shuffle while watching telly .

I stay there a bit watching a telly programme with this man doing stuff.

It seemed like she wasn't really watching the figures on telly though.

She just carries on watching the telly .

The shift finishes at 2.30am, just as Britain is washing up or settling down on the sofa to watch the telly .

They wanted to get home to watch telly .


It's true, I saw it on some show on the telly .

We've just bought a new telly .

You can watch telly after you've done your homework.


And the only man in a dress on telly was Les Dawson.

But what would we watch on telly when bowlers finished matches early?

If he didn't become a telly millionaire turning out musical trash they could be flogged for a few pounds.

If they think of history, it may be hard not to see it in dressing-up terms from telly watching.

It was back to square one: telly 24 hours a day.

That Aussie on the telly championing the Outback is merely praising its warm-weather virtue.

There was a lovely picture of him on telly last night peering woefully over the fence dressed in snazzy suit.

They work so well in most of his sharp, documentary-style insights on the telly .

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