Meaning of TYPICAL in English



a good/typical example

This painting is a good example of his early work.

average/typical/ordinary punter

The technical details mean nothing to the average punter.




We may take Lord Wilberforce's argument as typical of the Lords' approach.

Certainly the experience of Phoenix, Stamford, and Rochester should not be regarded as typical .

Cara recognized it as typical West Riding segregation, the men together, the women likewise.

As I explain further below, aggressive behaviour is regarded as typical only of lowlanders and spirits.

It would be unwise to suggest that any of these remembered families can stand as typical .

The latter are worth noting as typical of the general philosophy claimed by many schools to underpin their project involvement: 4.

What about the people who wrote or told us life stories: how far can they be taken as typical ?

The attacks on the Woodvilles should not be taken as typical of Gloucester's approach as protector.


Setting out the structure So, to take a fairly typical example, let's begin to design a newsletter.

She had been, in other words, a fairly typical student.

From one fairly typical grammar school, studied by Colin Lacey, the fee-payers had almost disappeared as early as 1925.

The basic components we will describe are fairly typical .

Highlander's initial involvement with the Yellow Creek people followed a fairly typical pattern.

This reaction is fairly typical for children who have some problems with aggression but who none the less have good potential.

This palace is fairly typical of the building development in the Malá Strana.

Atwater was more colorful and more publicly vicious than most, but his tactics were fairly typical .


Reeth is a fine Dales town more typical of an old East Riding town than a town of the Craven dales.

A more typical California viognier comes from Preston Vineyards.

Sills can be hundreds of metres thick but 10 m-30 m is a more typical range.

It is more typical of this group than of any other I know.

Dan Vandenberg witnessed jets in a more typical role.

Fifteen calls, most of them after midnight, would be more typical .

My point is, these opportunities might not have come her way had she played a more typical instrument.


The most typical occurrence of these fossils is in dark, often sooty, black shales.

In the most typical design, the experimenter separates a group of subjects into two or more groups.

The most typical Byzantine form is the basket or cubical capital.

Current expenditure consists of those items that recur regularly: expenditure on wages and salaries is the most typical example.

Bracken and heather made rufous brown the most typical colour.

The triumphal arch or, as it was earlier called the monumental arch, is the most typical of all the forms.

The language work develops awareness and build students' knowledge in lexical and linguistic areas most typical of academic prose.

Humour is one of the most typical ingredients in Masefield's adventure stories as a whole.


Didn't you spend the first session deciding whether to include that little pre-position? So typical .

What happened is so typical of the way earth-science ideas develop.

My family are just so typical .

Such stunts, so typical of Ellet, not only enhanced his own reputation but also focused public attention on his project.

It would be so typical if Jenny missed her while she was in the booth.

Finally, there is the secrecy and confidentiality which is so typical of public bureaucracies.

It was so typical of him, wanting to understand what he thought and why he thought it.



The international automobile industry is a typical case where shortening the product development lead time is recognized as a valuable competitive weapon.

Dash Riprock was an excellent and typical case in point.

I mention him simply because his was a typical case .

One of the ongoing partisan battles over spending led to a typical case of gridlock as the legislative session ended last month.

A typical case was that of an arc welding operation.

A second typical case would be a civil action suit which will probably move slowly and take two to three years.

Siphoning money abroad in this way is a typical case to which the new legislation must have been intended to apply.

The Ministry of Posts, he says, was a typical case .


A 1926 survey showed 13,446 passengers arriving at Charing Cross Station between 7 and 10 a.m. on a typical day .

The thirtieth of June was a fairly typical day .

A typical day at the office.

Into a typical day they fit caring for their children, working in the house and working for a wage.

A typical day includes offering information to dozens of tourists and picking up litter.

In this chapter we are able to witness a typical day in its life.

Some brand managers joke that after a typical day on the job, they are too full to eat dinner at home.


A typical example was Gert, a complex boy who confused Bloomsbury House visitors.

A typical example is as follows.

The famous Newport scandal seems a typical example .

Three typical examples are given in Fig. 5.3.

A sizeable centre with ancient agricultural traditions, it is a typical example of the resourceful toils of the region.

In this chapter typical examples of the kinds of fossils most commonly encountered are illustrated by beautiful specimens.

A typical example of such a long-term health problem is arthritis.


"Dad forgot to mail the letter." "That's just typical !"

"Is there a typical New York breakfast?" "Bagels and coffee."

a typical American diner, with twangy-voiced waitresses and vinyl booths

It's typical of Ramon to waste time when he knows we're already late.

Kim's a typical teenager - she doesn't want anything to do with her parents.

Mrs Quilley greeted the guests with typical charm and confidence.

On a typical day, the president receives more than 4,500 letters.

This is typical adolescent behaviour - part of the process of becoming independent from your parents.

This painting is typical of Manet's portraits of Morisot - a beautiful woman, gazing sadly out at the viewer.

With his shorts and camera around his neck, he looked like a typical tourist.


A typical Congress sees about 90, 000 remarks between the chambers.

A typical microcomputer will have 48K or 64K of memory i.e. 48 or 64 Kilobytes or 48,000 bytes.

But you know Paster and Richards: typical gunship pilots.

Lane and Roberts do not claim that the strike was typical of other strikes.

The typical judge loves the rewards of office and tends to be imperious in asserting and defending them.

The typical prisoner of nightmare, he could neither shout nor move.

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