Meaning of UTILITARIANISM in English



If utilitarianism has no way of making equity matter, it does not follow that equity is unimportant or insignificant.

In effect, the Fabians skewed utilitarianism in favour of the principle of social solidarity.

In this connection Hume propounds a kind of utilitarianism for which the good is essentially the useful, in terms of promoting human happiness.

On the face of it, this criticism carries the day against any rule utilitarianism which is genuinely distinguishable from act utilitarianism.

That utilitarianism needs some such additional clause to be in the intended spirit of Bentham is beyond doubt.

There was a strong emphasis on efficiency based on the ideas of Jeremy Bentham and utilitarianism in all this legislation.

We may call this the rigorist interpretation or version of utilitarianism .

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