Meaning of WHEREBY in English



The mall created a frequent-shopper plan whereby customers earn discounts.


A deed of transfer was executed on 18 October, whereby the developers transferred the land in question to the Prudential.

As costs rise, there are several schemes whereby you can pay now and die later, but not the reverse.

Consent, which lies at the root of self-determination, should be the conceptual mechanism whereby the right is guaranteed and safeguarded.

Gradually, however, Paul's position becomes the only one whereby sense can be made of the situation.

How can anyone dream up a handicap system whereby my handicap can go up because somebody else scored a net 65?

Sir C: I believe you speak of the practice whereby the political inclination of a parish is physically manipulated.

There should be a quidproquo arrangement whereby we all cooperate.

This allows for the entries to be made by machine accounting whereby several operations can be carried out at the same time.

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