Meaning of WINDPIPE in English



Already, they have noticed that poor neurological control causes many children to inhale bits of food into their windpipes.

And when squirted into the windpipes of mice, the viruses infected the animals' lungs and delivered the marker genes.

Both these action; should help to force the matter up out of the windpipe .

Its crushed her windpipe , and the doctors have put a pipe in so she can breathe.

The fingers gripping her windpipe slackened and Irina slumped backwards against the desk and slid to the ground.

They were grappling, and she'd got her hand on the woman's windpipe , holding her off, squeezing.

Vomit burst through my windpipe and landed on the wall six feet away.

You had to regard the Instantaneous solution offered by the symmetry of the razor across the windpipe , a neat line.

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