Meaning of WORKFORCE in English





Clearly now as never before there is a need for a well-trained, flexible workforce .

A skilled, flexible workforce is a key element in that environment.

It is for this reason that this group should be included in any study of the flexible workforce .


So, the first requirement is that older workers should be included in the drive for a more skilled workforce .

Its goal was to create a highly skilled workforce for the Susquehanna Valley, where P &038; G is located.

All but the far right have acknowledged the need to develop a more skilled workforce , since whites can no longer fill the demand.

Many Silicon Valley companies are growing so fast, they are eager to build a skilled high-tech workforce .

At Leyland, Preston and Chorley a skilled workforce has built up a reputation over many years for producing lorries and buses.

Together, the four groups produce a highly skilled workforce that no one institution could develop on its own.

A highly skilled workforce trained in designing and manufacturing high-quality, high value-added products at low cost, with shorter lead times.

A skilled , flexible workforce is a key element in that environment.


The survey analysed nearly 21,000 salaries of senior managers to supervisors at more than 900 companies with a total workforce of 824,000.

Corus shed 4,500 jobs last year, reducing its total workforce to 33,000, citing the strong pound.

Here over half the total workforce was unskilled, and here resided nearly half the borough's pool of unskilled labour.

The former basic industries - mining, agriculture, construction and manufacturing - now employ about a third of the total workforce .



The group cut its workforce by 39,800 to 170,700 during the year.

Salaries declined as the bank cut its workforce by 3 percent.

It also cut its workforce to 170 from 295.

The bank cut its workforce by 3 percent, helping lop $ 200 million from annual operating expenses.

PacTel already is in the middle of a multiyear plan to cut its workforce by 10, 000.

An employee told the Free Press the company aimed to cut the 71,000 workforce by some 5,000 people, 7%.

Wells fired 1, 750 employees on April 1 and announced plans to cut its workforce by 7, 200 this year.


It can also help provide a well educated workforce .

In this new economy, smart businesses rely on an educated workforce to thrive.

Secondly there is more scope for cross-fertilization and education, making a better-\#educated and more versatile workforce .


Women entering the workforce , poor childcare facilities, marrying too late, all are blamed.

The rate at which women were entering the workforce slowed.

Urban populations are far more likely to attend university and to enter the global workforce than are rural populations.

The original purpose of the law was to help disabled people enter the workforce .

Such people tend to perform marginal tasks and to enter and leave the workforce at random intervals.


Eventually Bleasdale plans to increase the workforce to between 30 and 50.


Corus shed 4,500 jobs last year, reducing its total workforce to 33,000, citing the strong pound.

This covered costs associated with reducing the workforce and with making essential improvements to the utilities infrastructure.

This had reduced the workforce by 53,800, or 2 percent, from last year, strapping many key industries.

The redundancies took place in stages from 1979 to 1981, reducing the workforce from more than 1,500 to 500.

Schimberni had, however, succeeded in substantially reducing the workforce through the early retirement of approximately 30,000 workers.

Government subsidies would be reduced and the workforce cut from 130,000 to 100,000.


Fiat said it will spend $ 40 million on training its new workforce .


a workforce of 3500 employees

Cook began his cost-cutting campaign by getting rid of a third of his workforce .

Women make up 41% of the workforce .


A new federal survey on the growing shortage of nurses portrays a stagnant workforce with a dramatic slowdown in nursing school enrollments.

A union spokesman said that none of the people arrested were from the sacked Timex workforce .

Employment in mining stood at 104 in 1964 and at 2,100 in 1977, about 0.2 percent of the workforce .

His practical genius for ergonomics allowed him to succeed in adapting tasks to suit a disabled workforce .

In April Britain's unemployment rate was unchanged at 10.5% of the workforce .

The bank cut its workforce by 3 percent, helping lop $ 200 million from annual operating expenses.

Together, the four groups produce a highly skilled workforce that no one institution could develop on its own.

Your education programs should be designed to accommodate different needs within your workforce .

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